Connect. Collaborate. Create.

Assembly Program

Here is your chance to bring classes together to create a theme song for your students’ favorite book! With our assembly program, you will receive a performance of music inspired by your book choice, along with other classic children’s stories. We will discuss grade level musical and songwriting concepts throughout the performance, sharing with students the inspiring impact books can have. Finally, the student audience will complete and record a song with the guidance of the STYLE teaching artist. Your students will be singing this song for years to come.

The Assembly Program Includes:

  • STYLE teaching artist(s)
  • Performance of songs inspired by the selected book, and more
  • Cross-curricular lessons in ELA critical thinking and musical concepts
  • Password protected webpage for the school
  • Recording of creation (Mp3 download made available on your STYLE webpage)

Great for All Ages!

We align with the Common Core State Standards and 21st Century Skills.

Learn more about what the STYLE Assembly program can do for your school.

Project Based Learning

Students work in a highly collaborative environment, building lasting connections to reading, music, fellow classmates, and the world.


We challenge students to think critically and connect the themes of a book to themselves, to other texts, and to real world problems.


Students collaborate in the songwriting process, applying their connections and conversations to generate a song inspired by the book.


Taking their collaborative work to the next level, students create artwork and a professional recording of their song using 21st century skills and technology.

STYLE Programs

Songwriting/Library Program

STYLE works with every single class inside your elementary school during scheduled library time. Every class will create a song inspired by a book read in class.

Multiple session Elementary Residency

We will take your students on a journey from finding inspiration in a book, to writing and recording a song with professional musicians and producers.

Native American Storytelling Program with Sondra Segundo

Create a sports anthem inspired by the Native American story of the Thunderbird.

Filmmaking, Storytelling, and Technology

This program focuses on the creation of a movie that is built by your students. They will write, produce, act, and edit their way through the creation of a full short movie.

Dance and Movement with Franchesska Berry

Join Franchesska Berry in discussing Dance, Movement and Storytelling through her West African culture.

Hybrid Program with both In-Person and Virtual elements

Your students will journey through the songwriting and recording process inspired by a book taught by Teaching Artists from all over the country through 3 Days of video lessons. The final 2 days of the session will be with STYLE’s Songwriting and production team in the classroom.

Specialized Program for your school

Do you want something special for your school surrounding Music, Books, Dance, Sound FX or more. Let us know! We’ll work to do what is best for your school.

Assembly (When available)

We’ll come to your school and put on a music/reading oriented assembly. Educational and fun!

Bring STYLE to your school.

© 2022 Copyright - STYLE | STYLE: Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to arts integration.